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Advertising with the Hendersonville Directory is simple. We offer a few different plans to suit your particular needs and budget. With over 7000+ page views a day, a number that is increasing rapidly, the Hendersonville Directory is an excellent means of advertising to a targeted audience at a cost that is much less than other traditional advertising outlets. That means a much higher than average return on your investment than other options can offer.

Basic Business Listing

The basic business listing includes your business name, address, a brief description of up to 50 words and a telephone number to contact you. This is an excellent option for gaining valuable exposure for your business, all for the cost of lunch once a month.

$7.99 a month¹

Basic w/ Link Listing

This plan includes everything in our basic business listing plus it adds a link directly to your website.

$9.99 a month¹

Premium Business Listing

The premium business listing includes a basic business listing, and adds a link to a full page ad just for your business. This means that you get your very own web page hosted by us in addition to the basic listing. Your web page can feature up to 400 words about your business, up to 4 pictures, all of your contact information and a link to your web site if applicable.

$19.99 a month²

Front Page Advertising

Front page advertising is also available on a limited basis, and is an excellent low-cost option for getting your business seen by a huge amount of potential customers. Your company's ad will be seen by approximately 200,000 visitors for only $49.99, making this one of the most cost effective advertising options available anywhere.

$49.99 a month³

¹ Basic plans available yearly.
² Premium plans available bi-yearly and yearly.
³ Front page advertising is offered on a quarterly or yearly basis.

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